
Take In All LInes!

(This is then-current posting about my progress on my drawings from around 2005/2006. Some of it may seem or be obtuse or arrogant, but for transparency reasons, I decided to reproduce it here, and the only changes I made to this page are spelling and quotation symbols, removal of some foreign language until I update the correct phrases, and a caption's removal.)

Note: If my other sites are returning as dead URLs, it is due to my nonpayment. Until I can catch up on the payments, the host site will lock my other sites.

Also, despite below there being reference to paper drawings, now, in 2013, 3D digital files/drawings supersede the importance of the paper drawings. The paper drawings are only 2D, and need to be re-developed in Free!Ship Plus/Hydronship and then transferred to 3D CAD and then printed. They will be better-faired and just look a whole lot better. The original paper drawings that reached various stages of progress will be useful as historical or "mindset exploration" items.


Stand by... Take in All Lines!

To Be Released For Duty:

Scale-drawn, detailed, tsunami-inducing blueprints of 3 notional, world-class-capable naval cruisers hailing from UNAUN: Unified Nations Anti-Unilateral Action Navy. UNAUN's mission is to deprecate all nation's power-projecting, flag-waving navies into nothing more than own-shore coastal patrol units.


(added: 2006-10-30) Images of the CGHRD-1065 II forthcoming. Meanwhile see the link to it:


or follow the buttons under Projects/Products and click on CGHRD-1065 II

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: As of 2006-06-12, I decided to release for FREE the CGLW-1065/CGHRD-1065 plans. Maybe I can generate more genuine interest in the CGHRD-1095, CGHRD-1165, and CGHID-1278 this way. To download the .tif files of the CGLW-1065 with the labels affixed, and to obtain the the .pdf preview of "Know Thy Ship" (incomplete), follow this URL:

(back-dated 2006-10-30) CGHRD-1065 II, designed from 2006-04-19 to 2006-05-14, will deprecate the CGHRD-1065. This is to eradicate lineage or outward deference to the DDG-51 which has a number of uninspired/unspiring copies that appear not to have subtle tones of borrowed but modified about them. However, the CGHRD-1065 was my ultimate (and somewhat flawed) foray into improving upon and deprecating the real-world DDG-51.


(More views can be seen via the link "Projects/Products")


The CGHRD-1065 deprecates all the USN DDG-51 flights (despite the Flight IIA having hangar bays), as well as the CG-47 (all flights), and the JMSDF DDG-173-176. She equals the DDG-177 and DDG 178 in most regards and exceeds in a few other ways. She does this by having a dedicated Flag CIC, electronics suites and berthing; 3 (two forward and 1 aft) retractable auxiliary propulsion pods; capacious hangar bay; and more.

The CGHRD-1165 deprecates the CGHRD-1065, suggests some possible advancements, has an innovative topside boat bay amidships; retains the Flag CIC; inside-skin torpedoes, longitudinally-divided main engine rooms (for enhanced damage control); has 4 GTGS, and more especially the new multi-ring, multi-planar, multi-band bridge-mounted radar mast.

The CGHID-1278, building upon CGHRD-1165 introduces direct drive (no shafts or reduction gear), azimuthal propulsion pods (three of them-- two aft in tandem, and the third aft of the pair); outward telescoping boost propulsion pods; retains the three auxiliary propulsion pods present in the first two classes and more.

These are monohull vessels, not some experimental, tax-grabbing exploratory 21st-century craft seeking a "Gee, let's do this..." hydrodynamic power-projection mission in "littorals".

Each of these non-classified (no security classifications apply to these, unless applied out of political (real-world) backlash/retaliation/defamation revenge by some specific government(s) feeling "threatened" ) blueprints features:

-- Flag CIC/Staff facilities on 0-1 Deck (this is my signature theme; in reality, the second "CIC" would be dispersed and even left intact as a single compartment, it would be in another frame section so that fire from below or against the hull won't take out both; however, it could be assumed that any blast sufficient to cause vertical damage 2 to 3 decks p maybe sufficient to collapse the transverse bulkheads for and aft, possibly imparting debilitating damage to "shock" the gas turbines into going off-line and maybe even damaging the propulsion shafts of the forward engine room)
-- Ship CIC on 2nd Deck
-- Distributed CIC functions
-- Three retractable/drop-down auxiliary propulsion pods (not just for "creep-home" but for stealthy "on-station" station keeping)
-- Dual, independent, tactically-controlled fin stabilizers & pods, or retractable pods, forward (not just for stability, but for changing target aspect and lock-breaking by altering the ships' exposure to a thermal, centroid-seeking seeker)
-- Full-size (64+64 vs. 32+64) VLM cells (assuming "quad-packs" are not used or are blocked by retaliatory export restrictions or bellicose arms reduction threats)
-- Fully-equipped twin hangar bays for 2 ASW helos plus several OH-58D -sized helos (designed for the hull, not slapped on as an afterthought-- that is, the hangar is NOT intruded upon by the VLM/VLS)
-- In-hull torpedo launchers (protects crew)
-- 14 or more watertight divisions (most protected by fire pumps and eductors in each frame section (A-A through Q-Q) and intra-section eductors and firemain cross-links)
-- Lifesaving ladders arrangements throughout
-- Lifesaving and traffic-enhancing passageways and few if any "dead ends"
-- Flag/CO wardroom, staterooms, and galley
-- Gender-neutral showers and toilets
-- Over 2,100 tons of Diesel Fuel, Marine (or Petroleum distillate) for the four Kawasaki-Westinghouse-Rolls-Royce KWRR-40 main engines (The CGHRD-1065 II and the CGHID-1278 both have 4 KWRR-21(v) modules based on the Westinghouse WR-21, while the CGHRD-1065 and CGHRD-1165 have KWRR-40 based on the GE LM-2500+; HOWEVER, the H-1165 has the space to accommodate the KWRR-21should this be desired instead of the KWRR-40)
-- 77 tons for the GTGS (Gas Turbine Generator Sets) (CGHRD-1065-specific)
-- 42 tons lube oil, 147 tons Aviation Fuel (CGHRD-1065-specific)
-- 489 tons potable water (CGHRD-1065-specific)
-- 41 tons VCHT (vacuum collection handling & transfer) capacity (CGHRD-1065-specific)
-- 2 main engine rooms (CGHRD-1065-specific)
-- 4 auxiliary machinery rooms (CGHRD-1065-specific)
-- 5 AC plants
-- 5 Reverse Osmosis distillers
-- more than 5 fire pumps

Each set of blueprints is accompanied by a spiral-bound 85-90 page (double-sided, on 45 to 50 sheets of 8.5" x11" paper) familiarization book, "Know Thy Ship" describing:

-- Liquids carrying capacity in gallons, tons, cubic feet and liters
-- Technical specifications (length, beam, height, depth, draft, freeboard, displacement, etc.)
-- Tables of defensive weapons, sensors, and more
-- Departments, divisions, and work centers
-- Officer, chief, and enlisted breakdown by department, division and work center
-- Discussion of accommodations
-- Compartment letter designators
-- Names, locations, and designators of every compartment aboard the ship
-- Speed and endurance table
-- Reduced-scale pages of the respective ships so that you need not carry the larger drawings around

Eventually to be available separately will be a:

-- Ship's Familiarization Book (SFB, 100 (pages tour books that guide you through the ship as a visitor, each customized for the particular class)
-- 100 + pages Ship's Information Book (SIB, 100 (pages technical book to assist those curious about the real-world possibilities as well as the fiction world use of these ships)

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